Desert Trip was hands down one of the best things I’ve ever experienced. Not only did I get to see and hear some of my musical heros with my own eyes and ears, but the entire weekend was a perfect getaway filled with family and good times.
Here’s the rundown: Staying in the RV camp was beyond convenient and comfortable. The activity center attached to the grounds had food, a convenient store, a tip-based hair station, a crafts center, a non-cash casino, and a million other things to do during the day. When the venue opened at 2 PM, you could wander through the rest of the food and spend time in the Photo Experience which was filled with hundreds of unpublished photographs of the bands.
The acts started around 6:00 or so each day, and every one was incredible. It was easy to see that these were professionals–each musician played with their heart and souls like it was 1965 all over again. Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, Neil Young, Paul McCartney, The Who, Roger Waters… each of their music has touched and influenced my life in so many ways. Seeing them in person created an even greater connection and is something that I will cherish my entire life.