I did it. I splurged on my first designer handbag. A Proenza Schouler PS1 Mini Crossbody in Black Lambskin Leather to be exact. My first reaction remains the same: I now truly understand why luxury is priced at luxury prices. The excellency of this bag is undeniable, from the high-quality and gorgeous materials to the Italian-made design. Spending more will get you more.
While my designer handbag wish list is (obviously) a long one, there were a few reasons why I chose the PS1 Mini. First things first: functionality was key. The compact size perfectly fits my everyday essentials (phone, wallet, sunglasses, keys, headphones), so this bag was one that spoke to my need for day to day use. My second reason plays a little off the first: this bag is one that I’m not afraid to carry everyday. Because of the utilitarian design and high-quality leather, it feels like a bag that will wear and age with grace. If I were to get a Valentino or Saint Laurent as my first luxury handbag, I’m sure it would sit in its pretty pouch more often than on my shoulder. The PS1 Mini goes with everything and is one that will continue to be functional day in and day out.
Now that I’ve popped my high-end-designer-bag cherry, I’m sure that I’ll be saving for another. As I said, the quality is worth it. Spending money on something that you’ll use for years to come seems so much more reasonable than dropping your hard earned cash on a cheap bag to last a few months. In the long run, saving those extra pennies for a bag that is worth your while will save your wallet from the vicious cycle of fast fashion.