
A New Year

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So much has changed in my life in 2015. This was the first year of my life that I felt I was taking steps to being the person that I want to be (and not the person that everyone else thought I should be). From growing Merged to my new job as Copywriter at Revolve Clothing, I can finally say that I have a clear mental path to where I want to go in life and who I want by my side through the journey.

With every New Year comes the realization of the past year. Did I accomplish my goals? Did I make a change for the better in 2015?   There’s so many questions that you can ask yourself with 2016 bright and straight ahead – but what will those questions accomplish? Everyone, even if unconsciously, sets resolutions for what they want to do, or who they want to be, going into January. But let me ask you this – why set a New Year resolution when you can instead set an intention for how you will live for the whole year, not just through January. Saying, “I’m going to workout every day in 2016” is something that would be unrealistic for my lifestyle, or anyone who goes to school or works. Why put so much pressure on yourself to succeed at something unachievable? Instead of setting a resolution of something you’ll do this next year, set a broad intention that focuses on where you want to be at the end of 2016. For example, my 2016 intention is to focus on creating a healthy physical and mental state for myself. While I obviously have other goals and things I would like to accomplish this year, going into it with the mindset that I will take care of myself in 2016 makes me feel like those goals are much more in reach. Take this advice and don’t be so hard on yourself. Becoming a new person within one night is never going to happen. Ever. So take one day at a time and work toward your 2016 intention. Everything else will fall into place.

I also wanted to take a moment to thank each one of you for following along with Merged this year. This is my space to share the beautiful parts of my life. Even when the ugly seems to be the overpowering force, I know that I can focus my energy on creating something to share with you all – and I couldn’t be more thankful. Happy New Year everyone!
I’m so excited to see where 2016 will take us all.